martes, 2 de junio de 2009

My self

El día de hoy va a ser patéticamente asqueroso, tengo control de resistencia de gimnasia em05 em04

Si no escribo más es porque morí8ca051db  jeje XD


Nueva canción escrita por mi.

Esta canción me encanta,yo la canto en español pero es terriblemente patética así que la pongo en ingles

Antifascist angel wings or even a heart
I have often wondered if anyone understands me and I can hear a sepulchral silence, sometimes to hear a NOT shy ...
NO, NO, NO, why you would do even if I do?
From entertainment to theorems,
I have a thousand faces, and you know no one
Hate, love, friendship or indifference
Are you wondering what I feel about you?
Just look in the eye and there is written the TRUTH
I care little if I feel something strange
Okay my problem?



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